This packages includes:
This packages includes:
This packages includes:
Planning for your loved ones final disposition can be overwhelming, there are so many questions: What happens next? Where do you start?
Rest assured, our team at White Rose will help you make all the preparations necessary. We understand what you're going through and will make the process as smooth as possible for you during this difficult time. We are here to answer any questions you might have about the cremation process.
White Rose Aqua Cremation brings eco-friendly aqua cremation services to Southern, Central, and Northern California and all U.S. states. Our gentle, fully electric process uses water and alkali salts, eliminating flames and generating zero emissions. Trust us, a California licensed aqua cremation funeral establishment, offering personalized, intimate, compassionate, eco-friendly, and dignified farewell with an attentive staff support throughout the entire process.
White Rose Aqua Cremation
HF - 1 | FD - 2409
820 West Washington Avenue
Escondido, CA, 92025
Business Hours
Open 24 Hours | 7 days a week
Call us anytime; we're always available for your convenience