Kahla is a Bio-Response certified alkaline hydrolysis technician and holds many certifications in the death care industry. She is a local to our community of North County San Diego. Kahla has been in study of the sciences and human biology throughout school, and in college she focused on Holistic Health and Medicine. Kahla has an abundance of knowledge in aqua cremation and in natural burial final disposition practices, thus making her an exceptional match for our team and our company vision. Her passion is to educate and present to families an alternative option for those seeking a more “green” or gentle approach to final disposition.
White Rose Aqua Cremation brings eco-friendly aqua cremation services to Southern, Central, and Northern California and all U.S. states. Our gentle, fully electric process uses water and alkali salts, eliminating flames and generating zero emissions. Trust us, a California licensed aqua cremation funeral establishment, offering personalized, intimate, compassionate, eco-friendly, and dignified farewell with an attentive staff support throughout the entire process.
White Rose Aqua Cremation
HF - 1 | FD - 2409
820 West Washington Avenue
Escondido, CA, 92025
Business Hours
Open 24 Hours | 7 days a week
Call us anytime; we're always available for your convenience