Mark is a certified Funeral Arranger and Notary. His prior experience as caregiver for those with disabilities and special needs persons has given him a unique passion for advocating for all who may be dealing with life’s challenges. Mark’s unique personal life situations and losses have helped to develop his deep understanding of those in need. He brings a comforting and encouraging approach to the White Rose family, and the families that we serve. He continually reminds us of the privilege and honor we have in helping families in this difficult time of loss. We are proud to have Mark as part of our family, and as a part of our promise to you in serving your family well.
White Rose Aqua Cremation brings eco-friendly aqua cremation services to Southern, Central, and Northern California and all U.S. states. Our gentle, fully electric process uses water and alkali salts, eliminating flames and generating zero emissions. Trust us, a California licensed aqua cremation funeral establishment, offering personalized, intimate, compassionate, eco-friendly, and dignified farewell with an attentive staff support throughout the entire process.
White Rose Aqua Cremation
HF - 1 | FD - 2409
820 West Washington Avenue
Escondido, CA, 92025
Business Hours
Open 24 Hours | 7 days a week
Call us anytime; we're always available for your convenience