Sean demonstrates a deep commitment to serving families well. He holds licenses in California as a Funeral Director and an Insurance Agent. Sean started in the deathcare industry in 2010 at Greenwood Memorial Park as a cemetery counselor, and later went on to serve as a Funeral Arranger serving over 200 families per year at Greenwood Mortuary. He is passionate about helping people and committed to educating individuals and families on the importance of pre-planning arrangements ahead of time to ease the burden on a family when a loved one has passed away. His expertise, knowledge, and his gentle care will comfort and calm those he serves. We are honored to have Sean in this position to guide and assist our families with pre-need planning at White Rose Aqua Cremation.
Sean is a graduate of University of Phoenix San Diego, with a BS in Business Administration. He married the love of his life in 1993 and they have seven children. He enjoys spending time with his family in Julian, and the great outdoors.
White Rose Aqua Cremation brings eco-friendly aqua cremation services to Southern, Central, and Northern California and all U.S. states. Our gentle, fully electric process uses water and alkali salts, eliminating flames and generating zero emissions. Trust us, a California licensed aqua cremation funeral establishment, offering personalized, intimate, compassionate, eco-friendly, and dignified farewell with an attentive staff support throughout the entire process.
White Rose Aqua Cremation
HF - 1 | FD - 2409
820 West Washington Avenue
Escondido, CA, 92025
Business Hours
Open 24 Hours | 7 days a week
Call us anytime; we're always available for your convenience